You know you’ve got a book in you–what you don’t have is the time you want to make it happen. Do you have a strong creative vision but get bogged down in details? Many authors popular in major book stores benefit from birthing their books with the assistance of trusted “midwives”–also known as ghostwriters. Especially a good fit for CEOs and business leaders, the ghostwriter takes your passion and turns it into pages.
At our public relations agency, we create recognizable industry leadership for our clients–and often that means helping their CEO or leadership team author a compelling book in their field. When we talk to the media and conferences, we’re not just “pitching another company CEO”–we are promoting an industry leader who has just captured something cutting edge in a book form. I don’t have to convince you how much easier this makes it to get our company CEOs on stage when they are also proven thought leaders through authorship.
Our approach puts your vision with an experienced ghostwriter who interviews you weekly, to tell your story. You:
1) get published faster
2) speed through drafts
3) leverage your idea with dedicated labor, editing and “filler writing”
4) still get to write the fun stuff!
Write2Market’s author services
We provide everything it takes to get your book published.
You share your vision with your Write2Marketeer. Talk to them from Bali, Bangalore or Birmingham–your ghost will keep your bookwriting process on track and keep pages uploaded to a special system we’ve designed to give you 24/7 access worldwide to your chapters and your progress.
Ghostwriting puts you in control of your time–and your book’s progress
Our author services division follows a rigorous process that frees you from the tedium of book writing, without sacrificing one iota of your ideas. Working from an outline you approve and can alter in advance, your “ghost” goes chapter by chapter, interviewing you by phone and bringing research to the table as you suggest. Every week, you review chapters, make revisions, and meet with your ghost (often by phone) to deliver your vision for the next chapters.
Do you want to personally write all day, every day, for months… or do you want one solid writing meeting per week for a few weeks?
There are several paths to getting a book out the door–ours is efficient. In addition to making the perfect manuscript, we can help you with the full spectrum of services you need, including:
- Representing your manuscript to the right agencies
- Getting your book published on the most popular platforms, like Xlibris
- Getting your book reviewed by popular review sources
- Creating a Kindle edition of your book, so it’s up on Amazon immediately
- Landing speaking engagements for you as an author
- Creating a web site for your book, a Facebook page, and an ongoing Twitter feed around your ideas to catch your reader’s attention
These days, it takes more than a good idea to create a sensation–Write2Market, as a public relations and content development agency is able to complement your ideas with the experience, know-how, and aids to inspiration you need to make your dream real. You don’t need to become a publishing and publicity professional–you just need to know how to hire them. Every celebrity takes a team–and we can be part of yours.
Confidentiality is sacred: ghost means “ghost”
A word about our ghostwriting services–they are hardcore, “hard-care” 100% confidential. Which means you’ll never hear us citing an author we have assisted. Everyone on our consummately professional author services team knows a book only has one author–and that’s the visionary mind that created the concept, nursed it to completion, and supervised its marketing–that’s you. We’re experts who know how to help, giving wings to your ideas and your dreams, but the credit is always and all yours.
When can we have your book ready?
In as soon as six weeks–our experienced approach to bookwriting speeds your time to market with a marketable product. Give us a call and let’s talk about our author facilitation process today. 404-419-6677 x 101 or email
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