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Visible Health’s Decipher In Forbes

Last week, Visible Health and the Write2Market team celebrated having Visible’s client, GenomeDX, featured in Forbes. Visible Health serves over 500,000 physicans through a platform of apps, including the popular DrawMD suite of tools for physicians and clinicians.

On this healthcare technology story, we enjoyed working with the insightful Rob Szczerba and his research team in developing this meaningful coverage. Stay tuned to Szczerba’s column for more on the promises of genomics made real through companies like GenomeDX and made more accessible thanks to apps like  Decipher Professional Portal by Visible Health.

  • Enjoy the full coverage on Forbes or follow Rob Szczerba’s popular blog.

Have a healthcare technology company you’d like to see getting more of the industry leading recognition it deserves? Contact Paul or Karen in our healthcare marketing and publicity team today–we’d love to talk about it with you.