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Finding the right Atlanta business writer

By May 24, 2011March 8th, 2013No Comments

If you need the right [intlink id=”1119″ type=”page”]Atlanta business writer[/intlink], then welcome to Write2Market.  We are a comprehensive business writing company–your single source for writing that gets results.  Our team of dynamic [intlink id=”75″ type=”page”]Atlanta business writers[/intlink] put business first, getting to know you and your company as thoroughly as possible before we craft work that gets your customer’s attention.

The business writer strategy

At Write2Market, you’ll find our Atlanta business writers focus on consulting and analysis.  Our method includes determining the following:

  • Your target audience.
  • Goals for their behavior in response to your message.
  • Which other competitive messages are reaching this audience.
  • What exactly sets you apart from your competition.
  • The best way to contact your target audience with your target message.

We know how important balance is in reaching your audience; that’s why our Atlanta business writers work to help you quantify the marketing opportunities and go after them.  We’re all about working with to get results–results you can see easily.

Write2Market’s promise

Write2Market is serious about getting results.  That’s why we measure the success of our Atlanta business writers’ work in multiple ways.  We can track:

  • Downloads of your[intlink id=”1216″ type=”page”] white paper[/intlink]
  • Email click-through rates
  • Pick up of your story in major markets
  • Editorial readership of your [intlink id=”1380″ type=”page”]press release[/intlink] online
  • And more!

When you work with Write2Market, you enlist a team of expert Atlanta business writers unlike any other, and we work with you to meet your  marketing, media relations, and sales/lead generation goals.

[intlink id=”124″ type=”page”]Contact us today[/intlink] for all your business writing needs.

Dig deeper into better writing and content development:

  • [intlink id=”94″ type=”page”]Web Copywriting and SEO Copywriting[/intlink]
  • [intlink id=”97″ type=”page”]Knowledge Leadership[/intlink]
  • [intlink id=”1228″ type=”page”]Better business writing[/intlink]